An investigation into the use of light in art from stained glass windows to fluorescent tubes

Friday, May 12, 2006

From Cushendall

We have spent a fabulous week in N Ireland - this is our last day at Curfew Tower in Cushendall.

It has been a great experience and an inspiring place to be to think, draw and just enjoy the moment.

Art for me, I think, is partly about holding on to an experience and whilst here I have been trying to hold on to the glorious scenery and the feeling that being in such a beautiful place brings. We all need to surround ourselves with uplifting experiences and being in somewhere like Co Antrim certainly does the trick!!!

I found it difficult to work in the Tower initially but now I've started I don't want to stop and it is almost time to leave.

I can't post images from here but there will be lots of them once I have downloaded the hundreds of photos and scanned in the sketches!

That's all for now...